
Hello readers!  I hope you will enjoy this site with my comments about historical and current events, and my thoughts both spiritual and secular on a variety of subjects. I write because I love to, and because something inside wants to express itself, to share with anyone who’s got the time to take a look at what I’m all about. I know, that sounds so transcendental. Spiritual. Sappy and romantic, but it is, nonetheless, the way I am. Over time I hope to post random thoughts on just about anything. I fell in love with reading in first grade, the very first day I discovered what those words meant in a little book about Dick and Jane and their dog Spot. I became irrevocably fullsizerenderattracted to poetry when I saw Robert Frost recite from memory his thoughts at JFK’s inauguration. He opened the door to Shelley, Byron, Whitman and Sandburg, inspiring me to scribble a few lines of verse myself.

I’ve recently retired after having been in the advertising profession for over 40 years as a designer/creative director. My taste in music varies in a rich spectrum from Classical to Coldplay. I’m a Sagittarius but it doesn’t matter because I am born again in Christ. I like museums, coffee, history, English lit, Colorado, most people, and pizza. I am in awe and so thankful for sharing a simple but full life with my wife/best friend of over 52 years, and our phenomenal family of three adult children, their spouses and our nine grandchildren, a couple of whom are already teenagers. I love studying the Bible, hanging with my close buddies, and our little Morkie, Emma Rose. I agree with Ferris Bueller, when at the end of the film he says, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around for a while, you could miss it.”  I firmly believe there are no coincidences in life, and that we can affect our destinies by intersecting with others. Let’s enjoy one together right now!

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. I like Colorado, too. Spent more than 40 years around the Front Range and down south.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. . . . Or as in W.H.Davies’ poem ‘Leisure’


  3. Hi Michael, thank you for the “fpllow”. Please feel free to jump right in and comment or critique as you deem appropriate. Glad that we have crossed paths. Blessings to you and yours. – Bruce

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Typo – make that “follow”

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